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About the author

By Timothy J. Kahn
Brandon, VT:  Safer Society Press, 1999.
For ages 6-12

(pp. 193-195)

Here are some ideas that Jacob, 9, came up with.  He has been learning how to control his sexual feelings and urges:

[Drawing of boy with frightened facial expression closing door]

I have learned that masturbation is okay.  Masturbation for boys is when you rub your penis.  I have learned that it can make you feel good without hurting other people  I have learned that it is best to mastrubate in private when nobody else is watching you.

When I get urges to do sexual touching I tell myself to calm down.  I also do fun things like sports to keep my mind off it.  Sometimes when I am really worried about doing wrong touching I tell an adult.  I also think about what might happen in the future if I do wrong touching.  When I think about getting into trouble I stop my urges. 

[Drawing of boy dribbling basketball.]

[Drawing of large STOP sign and DANGER - HANDS OFF sign]

Here is a list of ten things you can do to help yourself control your sexual urges.
1.  Go tell an adult.
2.  Masturbate in private.
3.  Play a game to get your mind off of it.
4.  Tell your brain to stop, and think about what might happen in the future.
5.  Get some serious physical exercise to wear yourself out.
6.  Do 50 sit-ups in your bedroom.
7.  Quickly get away from any younger children.
8.  Think about awful it would be to go to kid's jail.
9.  Think about how other people would feel disappointed in you.
10.  Yell NO inside your head, and do something else.

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