
Help for parents

Legislative Update


Understanding the issue

Personal stories

Media coverage

Criticism from experts

Juvenile sex law

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Organizations and links

Research on youth sexuality

Ethical Treatment for All Youth

About the author


  • Join a national movement. The largest movement to bring sanity to the way our nation deals with children, teenagers, and adults accused of violating sex laws is reformsexoffenderlaws.org.  They're a national organization but they also have state chapters. There's plenty of work to do, so they can always use more volunteers.

  • Promote awareness. Print out this brochure for parents (MS Word format or HTML format) and distribute it, or tell others about this site. Especially consider contacting friends who work in the mental health profession, are involved with justice or civil liberties issues, or work with youth.

  • Submit your story or advice. If you are the parent of a child who has experienced sex offender treatment, consider sending us his or her story so it can be included on this site. Personal stories can be the most powerful way to convince people that things need to be changed. In addition, send us any advice you can give to parents whose children have been charged or placed in treatment for their sexual behavior.

  • Contribute information. If you know of lawyers who would be helpful for parents, of if you know about additional research, news, or developments that should be publicized, email us the relevant information, and it will be included at this site.

  • Network. If you are interested in joining an email group of parents, professionals, authors, youth/justice activists, and other concerned people to exchange information on this topic, contact us.